Month: May 2013
Why You Should Look Forward to Estate Planning
Most people dread and procrastinate creating their estate plan. None of us like to be reminded that we will eventually die. However,…
Tips for Selecting a Nursing Home
If you have a loved one that will soon be moving to a nursing home, below are several tips to consider for selecting…
Heirs of a shareholders – Get Help
If you are a shareholder and you do not have a thoughtful plan in place for passing your shares after you die,…
Post-Nuptial Agreements
If you are married and you constantly fight over money, it may be time to consider a post-nuptial agreement. A postnup can…
Important Estate Planning Tips
If you are considering creating an estate plan or updating your current plan, below are several tips for your considerations: The most…
What are Fiduciary Duties?
Trustees and personal representatives are considered fiduciaries and a number of duties are imposed upon them by Florida law. Fiduciaries must comply…