(561) 935-9763
Maura Curran, Attorney
Jupiter, FL 33458

Asset Protection Planning

Asset Protection as a field of law has developed since the 1980’s from a little-known specialty to a highly publicized area of legal practice. This growth was created by a legal system that has devolved over several decades to create a hyper-litigious society that is long on victimization and short on accountability. Simply stated, our legal system encourages plaintiffs, who risk nothing, to sue anyone who may appear to have the ability to pay. Civil litigation has become big business with hard working professionals, business owners and employers becoming an attractive source of profit.

It is important to understand that the fundamental purpose of the legal tools employed in asset protection planning is neither to hide personal or business assets nor to deprive the U.S. Government of taxes derived from the income earned on those assets. Rather it is to shield assets from unforeseen attacks by dubious creditors or plaintiffs. State laws, Federal laws, insurance policies, trusts, limited partnerships, and limited liability companies will each provide some benefit, but separately cannot protect ALL assets.

Asset Protection works for one simple reason: It removes the economic incentive for a person, and that person’s attorney, to pursue (SUE) you.

It really is that simple.  What is not simple is how you go about accomplishing removing the economic incentive. Vulnerable assets can be protected through the utilization of a comprehensive plan that often includes an Asset Management Limited Partnership ™ (AMLP) together with a carefully crafted Bridge Trust ®. Collectively these tools provide a significant shield for your vulnerable assets, keeping them safe and out of the grasp of predatory creditors. Each Integrated Asset Protection Plan is customized to our client’s needs. Designed by experts, these legal structures are designed to preserve and protect your assets.

Contact us today at 561-935-9763 to schedule a confidential review of your financial resources, including your risk level, asset classifications, and personal objectives.

For additional information on the tools and strategies available to you as part of your Asset Protection planning, we invite you to watch the Key Concepts of Asset Protection. This fifteen-part video series is direct and to the point and designed to help you understand what Asset Protection Tools are utilized, and why. Each of these short, informative videos are listed in order below.

Contact us today to schedule a confidential review of your financial resources, including your risk level, asset classifications, and personal objectives.

(561) 935-9763