(561) 935-9763
Maura Curran, Attorney
Jupiter, FL 33458

The Living Will Registry

A secure, on-line database called the U.S. Living Will Registry provides a means for you to store you advance directive. This allows your document to be easily accessible to you or by a healthcare provider anywhere at anytime.You can register your advance directive and/or organ donor information by several different methods:

  • You can register directly on the web site with direct registration.  You can purchase registration for yourself, or you can purchase a gift registration for someone else.
  • You can register through a participating health care provider, hospital or community partner of the Registry.  Some providers and partners provide the service free of charge to their patients, clients, employees and members.  You can search the website to see if there are any organizations in your area that offer free registration.

Having your living will and organ donor information saved online provides you the peace of mind knowing that this important information is safe and secure. Additionally, no matter where you are, your family and physicians can access the information whenever it is needed.
If you are interested in creating an advance healthcare directive, schedule an appointment with Maura Curran.