On January 1, 2011, the first of the 78 million baby boomers turned 65 and about 10,000 people a day will reach that age between now and the year 2030. When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare and you must act right away because delaying your enrollment can result in penalties.
“Medicare enrollment begins three months before your 65th birthday and continues for 7 months. If you are currently receiving Social Security benefits, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B effective the month you turn 65. If you do not receive Social Security benefits, then you will need to sign up for Medicare.” says Estate Planning Attorney, Maura Curran.
Medicare consists of four major programs: Part A covers hospital stays, Part B covers physician fees, Part C permits Medicare beneficiaries to receive their medical care from among a number of delivery options, and Part D covers prescription medications.
If you have questions about signing up for Medicare, you should call the Social Security Administration or speak with an experienced elder law attorney.
The Curran Law Firm focuses on helping families through the complicated process of planning for family protection and preservation of assets.